Gauche Devlog

< Splitting generators | Another little improvement of online doc >


Little improvement of online doc

As of 0.9.5, online document (info command on REPL) only shows the specified entry, instead of the entire info page that contains the entry.

gosh> ,info make-queue
 -- Function: make-queue
     Creates and returns an empty simple queue.

It is easier to read than the entire page, but has one drawback---from the entry alone, it is not clear which module I should import. If you're reading it in info, it's easy to look up which section you're in, and the section shows the module name. The online doc is out of such context.

I've been mulling about it and finally decided to go for a kind of brute-force solution; add the module name to every entry. In HEAD (which is to be 0.9.6), it will show as follows:

gosh> ,info make-queue
 -- Function: make-queue
     {data.queue} Creates and returns an empty simple queue.

It may be a bit annoying when you're reading it in info document, for the module name is repeated in every entry. But it is more frustrating that necessary info isn't shown.

Tags: Documentation, repl

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